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City Hat Cowboy Publishing
At City Hat Cowboy Publishing, we believe that if you want young children to read, especially reluctant readers, you have to offer them something fast paced, exciting and fun! Our first book, in a three book series, is Three Dog Job. Lucky is a star. He has everything stacked against him, but he believes he was meant to be a hero. And he will be!
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If you are ever fortunate enough to meet a three-legged dog, there's a good chance that dog's name is LUCKY. This three-legged dog is, in fact, named Lucky.

A joyous book of adventure & inspiration. Three Dog Job delivered a heartwarming, uplifting tale of heroism that captivates with humor.A joyous book full of adventure & inspiration from start to finish that is sure to leave you feeling truly satisfied! Three Dog Job delivered a captivating, heartwarming & uplifting tale of heroism that is full of humor and intrigue. Who in the world doesn't like talking Dogs? Nobody, is the answer to that, Dogs are more popular than ever and people find sport and absolutely love guessing what their Dog's thinking or intentions might be or could be or all of the possibilities inbetween. This is a story that reminds you what it is like to be a kid by getting lost in a Three Dog adventure that turns pages with ease as the writer clearly outlines the mission for the Dogs to accomplish with intrigue. Lucky & the crew each have their own lovable personalities that keep the characters easy to follow along their way. This book is ripe with witty humor and snap backs the writer providing a firm grasp of the characters and their individual quirks and tendencies make these extra enjoyable. The book is listed as being written for middle-school aged children but at 35 years old I found the book to remind me of the delights of childhood stories of carefree humorous adventures of exploration with no parental guidance which are more and more rare with the boom of the YouTube algorithm. The authors passion for telling and thoughtfulness in telling fun loving dog tales in the charming story telling style with relatable characters (even if they are dogs) make it an unforgettable read for all ages and backgrounds. I hope to read more from this author because Lucky's wanna be macho personality (in the cutest way) with the ultimate goal of being courageous makes this story an unforgettable one. I thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish!
Great Class Novel For Elementary!I am a teacher and bought this book to see if my kids would like it. They loved it! The characters are easy to love and cheer for. The book pulls out lots of emotions and opportunities for discussion. I highly recommend for mid elementary students!
What A Fun Friendship Adventure!This story is heart-warming and sweet! A fun book for young readers. This is about trusting in yourself and believing in your abilities, told through the eyes and experiences of a hero pup! Can't wait for the next one! My grandkids loved it!
Expertly paced and brimming with wit and whimsy, this delightful, fast-paced story about love and loyalty is a winner! Kudos!"He came to be a hero, and heroes don't run.”Lucky is a young three-legged Basset Hound mix who dreams of being a hero in this delightful, champagne-esque middle grade read.A “freakishly smart and outrageously funny” canine, Lucky can hardly wait to become a police dog like his yard mate and best friend, Chief. A regal German shepherd, Chief is a retired police dog. Chief's human is Officer Bob.Lucky is crushed to learn he won't be going to the police academy. Or fulfilling his dream of becoming a police dog. Could this disappointment be “the thing that breaks the happiest dog in the world”? If Lucky's not going to be a police dog and a hero, then what's he supposed to be? Should he be called “Lucky” or “Not Lucky”?Meeting up with Mutt the “fearless free” Jack Russell Terrier mix, Lucky and Mutt hatch a plane to raid a hot dog factory. Bonus points: The lovely Flea Bag is also in on the job. The canine trio makes off with a bunch of wieners, but Flea Bag is captured later by the evil truck driver Zane.Back home, Chief scolds Lucky for his actions. Chief and Lucky belong to a law enforcement family. Doesn't Lucky know stealing is wrong? But Lucky wants a life with purpose. Like what Chief had with Officer Bob. Meanwhile, rescuing Flea Bag is a three-dog job. But the obedient Chief will not leave the yard per Officer Bob's rules. And Chief won't let Lucky leave to rescue Flea Bag, either. Chief must choose between leaving the yard and saving his friend or obeying his human and letting Lucky die. Which will he choose? Will Lucky risk all for love? What about a third dog? Can Lucky find his purpose in rescuing Flea Bag before it's too late?This book really surprised me. I didn't know what to expect. Diving in, it didn't take long to discover a real gem. Pitch-perfect pacing and a carefully crafted plot percolate with adventure, action, gentle humor and valuable life lessons on friendship, loyalty, courage, and compassion. Clever, quirky, and catchy, Three Dog Job sudses with sass and spunk. Chapters are brief and flow seamlessly one into another. Brimming with wit and whimsy, Three Dog Job is what you might call the “cat's meow.” But. Well, you know.With age-appropriate vocabulary, plenty of action, and loveable, well-rounded characters, Three Dog Job will certainly appeal to its target audience of middle grade readers. Ditto anyone who enjoys a creative, fast-paced story that's well told. I LOVED it!Three Dog Job is Book 1 in The Lucky Chronicles. I can't wait for more!